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Release notes - MyChild6 - v6.0.7-SP2


MST6-497 Login and Authentication - Group Permissions


The Problem: There is currently no way for end-users or system administrators to easily update user roles and permissions.

MST6-801 Enable Windows Auth for SQL Server


Problem: While deploying A customer we discovered that they only have Windows Auth enabled for their central SQL Server. We have requested to have SQL Server Auth enabled, but after doing some research we found that enabling Windows auth really should not be difficult. Below is documentation of what changes need to be made. We want to enable this so that in the future we can use Windows auth / LDAP more easily.

- Configure Windows Authentication in ASP.NET Core

MST6-809 Patient functions Reorder


Our patient card has 4 buttons on the back, also known as functions. We need to reorganize them so they have a hierarchy.

The order of the buttons will display in this order:


EDIT: additional corrections
-Live map broken overflows have been removed.
-Filter on directory view corrected
-width of device config page corrected.
-tabstrip-1/5 adjusted with selector call []

MST6-843 Database needs more indexing.


AS A: Developer
I NEED: to optimize the backend database queries and indexes
SO THAT: data can be retrieved from the database faster and more efficiently

MST6-847 Create a new setting for Tag Signal Missed Delay Period


AS A: developer OR system admin
I WOULD LIKE: to add a new setting to the FacilitySettings that will allow the facility to control the amount of time between each Tag Signal Missed Alarm
SO THAT: the facility can lessen the number of TSM alarms raised, assuming they have lots of tags and patients

Further Discussion:

We have found that at larger facilities, the number of TSM alarms raised per hour can get to be high, borderline uncontrollable, this is mostly because we repeat the alarm every 30 minutes until we start hearing from the tag again…. By adding a new setting, we could give the facility the ability to delay the repeated alarms for XX number of minutes (maximum of 9999)

MST6-859 Improve Device & Tag Caching for Wireless Plug Messages


Problem: We are still not processing events as fast/efficiently as we need to be.


MST6-576 Account - system lock after several failed login attempts


AS A user
I NEED the system to lock after several failed attempts
SO THAT I can reset and account. OR prevent unauthorized people from using the software.

The question we ran into was this:
"Does the system lock-out an ID after several failed attempts at login? If yes, how is the ID unlocked?"

More information here ***

MST6-613 Advanced Filter/Sorting Styling


Objective: Now that we have our filter and sorting working as we would like, it's time to style the filter.
Currently, the filter rests in a navbar above the card view on the far-left side. As we show progress on this page, we may run into some adjustments from the team.

removed the ridge style a while ago which made this look better on all solutions. No need to move the position from the top left unless requested by customers.

MST6-779 Dashboard | Unaccepted Alarms | Scrollbar and Polish


We feel that the unaccepted alarms tile on our dashboard can be polished with styling to make it look and feel better. When resizing the window to be small or on mobile applications, text compresses and does not look too good, specifically in the tabs. We also feel the scrollbars on this tile are clunky and unattractive.

OBJECTIVE: Adjust the scroll bar to be more visually appealing. This can be done with color adjustments as well as size adjustments. We must verify that adjustments to any scroll bar work ACROSS ALL BROWERS INCLUDING IOS AND ANDROID systems. Bootstrap also has scroll bar adjustments we can use.

We also want to prevent tabs and text from wrapping to new lines when windows get resized.

MST6-781 User Management | User Control | input field & Active button


12/28/23 During our mychild meeting we found some things we would like to change on our User Management page.

First, with our User Control popup where we make an account, we need to correct the PIN field to match all the others. It needs to be taller and grey.
Second, the active checkbox must be set to active initially. It is a safe assumption that they will be used if a user makes accounts.

On the main view, (Grid) we have commands or buttons per account. One of the button’s texts needs to be adjusted. Our disabled account should act as a toggle, with the text of “activate” and “Deactivate”. this keeps actions and text consistent.

MST6-782 EnrollPatient | CreateBypass | Field Reorder & Refactor


It was requested that reorganize our enroll patient popup. We started a discussion to reorder some things to make more sense, an example was to move the sex field up by the patient details. This discussion turned into a pool of ideas, but it was decided that we would like two sections to this popup. One for location details such as tag and device, and one for patient information.

We also would like to see a better / bigger enroll button on this popup. The team would like to see some shaking animations or hover effects on the button.

I need to create mocks to provide visuals to continue this discussion. It was requested to make this popup more appealing overall. When mocks are made and approved, we can start development.

Similar story item:

”Our Patient Bypass popup currently works but the team feels it's slightly disorganized. We have patient info input fields at the top and the bottom, it just felt messy.

I brought an idea to rebuild the Enroll popup, however the team felt it was overkill as it really does not need to be rebuilt.

WE MUST re-organize the fields on the popup. All patient information will be moved to the top (including the sex checkbox). Tag information and location will be at the bottom of the popup.

The string of Department must be changed to Unit.

The create bypass button will need to change to “Put Patient in Bypass”. “

MST6-806 Correct Device Config page for ALL solutions


In the merge project, each solution has a broken device config page when loading in a map/floorplan for the first time. this should be corrected using a template.

This is a good starting point for templates for each solution using Brad's environment variable.

MST6-818 Simulator UI & Functionality broken.

Description is showing some crazy UI. Large carrots and broken cards.

MST6-835 Viewing and Exporting reports is slow if not impossible.


The Problem: When attempting to view or export reports, almost all of them will either fail to load, or fail to export, and doing either takes quite a long time, and the longer the system runs the longer these reports take to run.

MST6-840 Map views and corrections


MST6-852 Trade Show | Demo Bugs | Inconsistencies


During and after the trade show in Orlando, we found several small adjustments we would like to make to our StaffWatch solution, along with a handful of minor corrections.

-Map upload and device configuration have a handful of minor issues such as padding, color, spacing, overflow, and text that need to be corrected
-The password reset page needs to be rebuilt
-The logout page should say the solution name, not only “Mychild”
-Headers are not uniform on the directory card view for all solutions. Mychild seems to be perfect, the others do not seem right and look off.
-The close button on most popups not showing correctly. Telerik error.
-Assetwatch assign button is not fully clickable due to the logo container not hiding when we flip the card.
-StaffWatch has “patient” alarm options on the MyProfile page.
-Logos not working on MyProfile page.

MST6-858 No Ability to edit/delete User Groups


AS A: user OR system admin OR user manager
I NEED: the ability to add/edit/delete user groups, we currently can ADD new user groups, but we cannot edit or delete the groups once they have been created
SO THAT: we can further customize the software to meet our individual needs


MST6-820 Alarm Times | Wrong day displaying.


It was found that the alarms were displayed at the correct time but the incorrect day.

MST6-821 Unassigned Tag | TIC alarms


Problem: When a cut-band tag is unassigned, Tamper alarms are being raised

MST6-826 Level 3 alarm audio being intermittent.


It was found the alarm sound for level 3 does not always go off. We need to find a solution for this bug.

-Correction for this issue will be attached to MST6-820

MST6-827 Duplicate Serial Numbers in Database


Duplicate serial numbers should NOT be allowed in the database.

MST6-828 Deleting Devices


Deleting a device fails if the device icon has not been removed from the map first.

MST6-830 Shared MenuLayout throwing InnerHTML error.


Problem: when viewing the main dashboard, a JavaScript error is being logged that is saying it cannot set “inner HTML” in function “poll”

MST6-832 System struggles when system has more than 100 devices & tags.


The Problem: We have found that when a system has > 100 devices and/or >100 tags, the system seems to become unresponsive, especially if the database server is shared between all 3 applications, if one of the 3 applications has a high number of devices, then all applications will suffer degraded performance.

Resolution: Review the “TagEventReceived” code and optimize the code to use caching & smaller, quicker SQL queries to attempt to retrieve data more efficiently and to help improve overall system performance

MST6-833 Small UI Corrections | Hutch


We have a handful of corrections across the watch solutions.

-Edit asset now has an ‘X' to close the popup instead of the broken ‘?’
-Broken border ‘Ridge’ style on tag page removed.

-Alarm popup no longer has an ‘x’ floating on the righthand side.
-Tag Locate All page is now dynamic to the solution being used. That included text correction in the tab view of the grid.
--Mychild will display 'Patients’ and headers will be turquoise
--Assetwatch will display 'Assets” and headers will be dark blue
--Staffwatch will display “Staff” and headers will be pink
--Wanderwatch will display “Resident” and headers will be blue

plus a handful of minor corrections.

MST6-834 Data Queries are pulling far too much data.


The Problem: While investigating performance issues we noticed that some of our database queries are joining up to 20 tables and selecting up to 100 columns of data at once, additionally some of the queries are requesting the entire table worth of data, which for some tables can be upwards of a million rows, or more.

MST6-836 Tags Not being removed from the system.


The Problem: For some reason, we are not only seeing quite a few non-McTech tags being added into the system, but we are also having an issue where tags can be removed from the physical area, but they are never removed from the McTech system, even after being “missing” for months, they still appear as active in the system

MST6-837 AutoUnEnrollService is still ignoring AutoEnrollPending and Disabled tags.


The Problem: The AutoUnenroll service is still ignoring the primary group of tags that should be removed.

Resolution: the base SQL query for the unenroll service was inadvertently filtering out the AutoEnrollPending and Disabled tags, so the service was never seeing any tags for removal

MST6-838 Clicking alarms on missed alarms causes a JavaScript error.


The Problem: When clicking on an unaccepted alarm in the unaccepted alarms list, a JavaScript error is thrown instead of the alarm being displayed.

Resolution: the underlying dataset query is not returning the correct data to display the alarm, which is valuing the underlying JavaScript to be invalid

MST6-841 Tag List does not allow sorting by LastSeenTime


Problem: The Tag list does not allow sorting by LastSeenDateTime

Resolution: include the LastSeenDateTime in the sort descriptors

MST6-842 McPlugTag Events are all being ignored.


The Problem: MC6/SW6/WW6 are all blocking and discarding almost all McPlug Tag Messages, without processing.

Resolution: After review, we found that the RSSI Filter that was implemented for AssetWatch, was incorrectly implemented and was causing the filter to skip all events unless you were running AssetWatch AND the RSSI value was greater than -80

MST6-844 Tag Signal Missed Alarms are out of control.


The Problem: for some reason, when a patient/asset/staff/resident is enrolled to a tag, the tag will go into nearly non-stop tsm mode raising tons of alarms for what appears to be no reason.

MST6-848 Tag Unenroll is still not functioning correctly.


The Problem: Tags that have not ever been seen (IE: LastSeenDateTime is all zeros) are never being removed from the system, which is causing confusion about which tags are usable and which are not.

MST6-849 Tag Signal Missed Alarms generated when they should not be.


Problem: We are seeing quite a few Tag Signal Missed alarms being raised for tags that ARE checking in correctly and promptly. It seems like only the tags that are correctly checking in are having TSM alarms raised.

MST6-850 Tag Caching is only partially working.


The Problem: The new Tag caching algorithms are working well, however, we discovered that there is at least one place where the logic could cause heavy queries against the dataset.

Resolution: Refactor the null logic to create an in-memory cache entry with a status of “Locked”, this should be cleared every minute OR by the auto-enrollment process upon successful autoenrollment of the tag

MST6-851 Reports are showing Numbers or Blanks instead of Patient And/or Tag Names/Numbers


Problem: When viewing the Unfiltered Log Report there are several instances where the Tag Number and Patient Name are blank

Resolution: Review the Reporting code and determine why patient/staff/asset names and tag numbers are not being properly reported

MST6-853 Changes in Drop Downs in MyChild List View Reverting on Page Refresh


issue Description: Testing editing patients in the list view of MyChild6 shows that any drop down changed in list view reverts back to original setting after a page refresh. This does not occur in other RTLS 6 applications. Nor does this effect text entries and check boxes.

Replication Instructions: In list view edit a patient. Change a drop-down selection. Click save. Refresh page.

Functionality Suggestion: No setting should ever revert to page refresh.

Browser: Chrome
Build: Dev

MST6-854 Incorrect Item Count on Tags Page in MyChild


Issue Description: The number of item counts at the bottom of the Tags page in MyChild is not showing the correct number of tags listed on the page.

Replication Instructions: N/A

Functionality Suggestion: The number of items should match the number of tags on the page.

Browser: Chrome
Build: Dev

MST6-855 Database Updates causing delays and waits.


The Problem: With a large system, with more than 200+ devices and tags, we are seeing an issue were updating the LSDT on the Tags and the LH on the Devices is causing very heavy loads on the SQL server, often causing the CPU usage to be upwards of 60%.

Resolution: Review the underlying database management code and determine if any improvements can be made to the update process

MST6-856 No ability to edit/delete User Group Permissions


Problem: if you browse to the sysadmin section, you can go to the Identity section which gives you the ability to add new groups, as well as add permissions to the groups, however, there is currently no way to edit or delete permissions once they have been assigned to the group.

Resolution: Review the Group Permission Manager under sysadmin and determine why edit/delete are not options

MST6-857 Changes to Patient Floor or Department not saved in ListView


issue Description: Testing editing patients in the list view of MyChild6 shows that any drop-down change in list view reverts to the original setting after a page refresh. This does not occur in other RTLS 6 applications. Nor does this affect text entries and checkboxes.

Replication Instructions: In list view edit a patient. Change the drop-down selection. Click save. Refresh page.

Functionality Suggestion: No setting should ever revert to page refresh.


Browser: Chrome
Build: Dev