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Deployment Without Docker

Required Software:

  • Windows Server 2016 or newer (Windows Server 2019 preferred)
  • .NET 6 Runtime

Required Services:

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019 or newer
  • RabbitMQ 3.9x

Optional Software/Services:

  • Redis
  • InfluxDb

This guide assumes you are working with a new install of windows server and the client has not provided any of the services needed by MyChild6

File Install

Start by installing the following software in the order they are listed below

  1. Chocolatey  - Install Guide
  2. Microsoft SQL Server - Install Guide
  3. SQL Management studio - Install Guide
  4. RabbitMQ - Install Guide
  5. .NET 6 Runtime (download here)

Once all of the software dependencies are deployed, you can then start deploying the MyChild6 software.

1. Download the deployment zip file to the server (This can be downloaded from Gitlab currently)
2. Unzip the deployment zip file to c:\temp
3. Create the main program directory C:\Program Files\McRoberts Technologies\MyChild6_Web
4. Create the main directory for the McLink Agent (If required) C:\Program Files\McRoberts Technologies\MyChild6_McLinkAgent
5. Copy all files from the unzipped deployment file to the folder created in step 3

At this point the MyChild6 software is now deployed.

The next step is to install the MyChild6 Services. Follow the steps below.

Service Install

    Inside the main service folder (IE: C:\path\to\MyChild6_Web\helper_scripts\installers for MyChild6) there should be a file named "install-service.ps1" this is a PowerShell script that should install the MyChild6 Web Service, to run it you will need to move the file to the same folder as the MSTWatch.Web.exe file (IE: the folder created in Step 3 above), once completed you can then double click on the file using windows explorer, or you can run the script from an Elevated PowerShell (IE: Run as Administrator).

    Now you have successfully deployed the MyChild6 software to your server.

    The next step is to configure and start the services. Please visit the Configuration guide for more information