Web Configuration
In this guide we will outline all of the settings available in the appsettings.json for the MyChild6.Web software (primary server)
all configuration variables listed in the appsettings.json can also be defined in your environment variables
This value tells the software what computers are allowed to connect. This should ways be a * (allow all)
Default Value: *
Urls controls what Url's the software listens on, typically this should be left at the default value
Default Value: http://*:9982
When deploying on-premise, you want to set the url to http://*:80 so that users can view MyChild6 by browsing to http://servername instead of being required to enter a specific port (IE: http://servername:9982)
- Username
- This is the username used for the administrator account
- Default Value: admin@mychildcloud.com
- Password
- This is the password for the administrator account
- Default Password <redacted>
- DefaultConnection
- This is the connection string for our SQL database
As of v6.0.6-SP4 there are now scripts included with the release zip to help generate the sql connection string. check the helper_scripts folder for the "generate_sql_connstring.bat" script!
- Region: us-east-1,
- This should almost always be left at the default value
- ServiceURL
- The ServiceURL is the URL to the Minio install
- ForcePathStyle: true,
- The ForcePathStyle should always be left to true
- This is your Minio Access Key
- Default Value: MyChild6
- This is your Minio Access Key
- This is your secret key for your Access Key
- Default Password<redacted>
- This is your secret key for your Access Key
As of v6.0.4 AWS Integration is no longer used. This section can be omitted
- Secret
- The JWT Secret value is used to help generate JWT Tokens for API auth.
- When generating a secret, try to use a minimum of 45 characters, upper, lower, and numbers. No Special characters
- Key
- The JWT Key is the key used for generating and verifying tokens.
- When generating a key, try to use a minimum of 20 characters, upper, lower and numbers. No Special characters
- Issuer: http://localhost:9982/
- The Issuer should always be the hostname and port the software is running on, leave this as the default value unless you know what you are doing!
As of v6.0.6-SP4 there are now scripts included with the release zip to help generate the JWT values. check the helper_scripts folder for the "generate_jwt_secret" script!
SSO (AzureAD)
- The SSO section is an "array" as denoted by the [ ] as the starting brackets instead of { }, so we can have multiple domains by simply including more SSO {} sections, Each section requires each of the following to be set
- DisplayName
- This is the text that will be displayed on the main login screen
- Domain
- This is the domain that will be used by users logging in (IE: mychildcloud.com)
- ClientId
- This is a unique value provided by the customers IT department
- TenantId
- This is a unique value provided by the customers IT department
- OidcScheme
- follow the example given, this must just be uniqe and not repeating, the base example is "oidc-mctech" so if your facility is named "UserHospitalOne" you might set the value to "oidc-uho". Note: this value MUST be all lower-case and must only include a-z and dash ( - ) characters!!
- CallbackPath
- Leave this as the default value of "/signin-oidc" unless you know what you are doing!
- ApiKey
- The SendGrid Apikey is used by MyChild6 to send emails and text messages. This replaces the typical SMTP server.
- SandboxMode: false
- SandboxMode should only be set to true if you are testing or developing the MyChild6 software, otherwise this should be false
- CacheConnStr
- The CacheConnStr should be the URL to your Redis memory cache cluster. this is typically a URL
- InstanceName
- The instance name specified here is used to prefix all key's used by MyChild6.
- EventBusConnection
- Port
- EventBusUseSSL
- EventBusVirtualHost
- EventBusUserName
- EventBusPassword
- SubscriptionClientName
- This value is not really used for anything for the MyChild6 Web server, however it is VITIALLY important for the McLinkAgent Service. When configuring the McLink Agent service you *MUST* set this value to the "McLinkAgentId" value for the facility the agent will be providing data for.
- To Find the McLinkAgentId: Login to the MyChild6 Software and browse to the System Admin section, Once in the System Administration section, browse to the Facility list. The AgentId is listed for each facility available and should be *UNIQUE* per facility!
- Default Value: DefaultFacility (case-sensentive)
- This value is not really used for anything for the MyChild6 Web server, however it is VITIALLY important for the McLinkAgent Service. When configuring the McLink Agent service you *MUST* set this value to the "McLinkAgentId" value for the facility the agent will be providing data for.
Entries that are Bold are Required.
- Dsn
- SendDefaultPii: false
- MinimumBreadcrumbLevel: Debug
- MinimumEventLevel: Warning
- AttachStackTrace: true
- Debug: false
- DiagnosticsLevel: Error
- Enabled: false
- InfluxHost
- InfluxBucket
- InfluxOrg
- Token
- LogLevel
- Default: Information,
- Microsoft: Warning,
- Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime: Information,
- Quartz: Warning
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